Across the seas is where you lay your head
Your morning is my night
Your hello is my goodbye
The visual of the distance could not stand up
against the hours and seconds until your return
I wonder often what you are doing?
How was your day? Technology keeps us closer,
but I yearn to feel your hands touch my cheek.
I long to hear the voice of Solomon whisper in my earlobes
of all the fantasies that we will conquer someday.
The sea that seperates us for now,
I wonder if the same birds that fly over my head
are headed to skies where you are.
Distant lover......
At night, I inhale the sweet memories of the last time
we were together.
Remember that warm liquid that blessed our reunion?
In the night, we layed next to each other,
your hands softly explored my innermost being......
Distant lover.....
You are closer to me than the man that's standing next
to me in the cafe line.
Your footprints pant on my soul, like a deer that thirsts
for water: gently, softly, gently, patiently and with
each stroke, my heart reaches the ultimate climax.
Distant lover.......
My fingers roam across this keyboard and I imagine
your amber colored skin.
The smile that your audience privately enjoys, releases
postive energy into this world.
One day....
I long to see my distant lover and when that time comes, God will bless our union.