A New Me Foundation, INC.
Friday, March 29, 2013
You ever met someone or know of someone, in this case, a woman, who is ALWAYS angry or negative about EVERYTHING? I know someone like that and personally, it's sad. Sad for them and those who are hugely affected by their anger.
Case 101 ANGRY WOMAN: ..... y'all almost work my last nerves, but I love you. Whatever that man, parents, kids, boss, did to you, don't do for you, would do for you but can't, whatever the case may be, it's YOU that is the cause of YOUR stress as well as YOUR happiness NOT them. Now you think every man is a liar, cheater or no one can change their ways cause yo' baby daddy made mistakes and now the world isn't deemed perfect until you get revenge.
Felicia's tough love says, GET OVER YOURSELF & MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE. Your power of forgiveness molds how you will spend your days here on Earth. Men have lied and cheated on me and I've done the same to them. Hurt people hurt people. But I made a promise to God, myself and my children that no one will ever again, have that much power and negative influence over my life.
My clients that I interact with mostly all come from hurting places and they have legitimate reasons why they are so hurt. My bottom line question to them is: How long are you gonna be hurt? I'm all for understanding someone close to you hurt you but you can't stay in that hurt stage forever. You have to forgive and move on from it. Always bringing up what they did to you 5 years ago, 10 years ago, hell, even 5 minutes ago, can keep you from your next blessings.
Women, there's nothing attractive about a bitter woman. Men like a versatile woman. That can direct the boardroom, house and bedroom. What man you know wants to sit around a woman angry and lifeless ALL the time? Not just in intimate relationships but also business relationships, friendships, etc. I am a very sociable person and it's not of my best interest to be around negative people. I have too much POSITIVE reinforcements and investors in my life, business, family and etc to be camped around negative people.
At the end of a hard days work or week, you want to share with people who believe in you, support you, challenge you to move yourself higher in your perspective field and who can enjoy your success with you. My partner is a WONDERFUL example of that, as well as I am to his dreams. Even in times of disagreements we RESPECT each others thoughts, expertise and experience in the fields and projects that we are into at the moments. EVERYONE HAS TO START FROM SOMEWHERE.
What bothers me the most are the angry women that sit around and talk negative about everybody and point their noses down at people but have yet, to make any contributions to society to help anyone else out. I love how humble I am NOW because I was always a cocky lil thing which got me NO WHERE that I wanted to be. It took some life experiences to turn myself down a notch and praise the Lord it happen quickly. These women are not mad at their target that lies on the surface they are angry at something that lies much deeper than that.
Women will unite to tear another woman down in a heartbeat. That's sad, when now women have the most opportunities, highest paying income in their homes, etc. I've never been the type to bad mouth someone else because they have something I might want or need. I posted on Instagram that, talking negative about some one else's dreams will NEVER get your executed. Speak life not death and get on with YOUR life and stop worrying about others!!!!
I'm so thankful that when I decided to go into business for myself and the communities of women I serve, it wasn't at the downfall of another woman dreams being dismissed. I am very humble to know and see how my actions motivate others to live out their dreams and accomplish their goals. It's a lot of hard work and any POSITIVE things going on that I can help out with, call me up. I can speak on these things now because I was at some point that bitter and angry woman and my life was so lacking living it to my full potential. People didn't want to be around me longer than 5 minutes and now a days, you wouldn't even know that time exists before. We all make mistakes, we all get angry but just don't stay angry and/or keep making the same mistakes.
I know this is a different writing style that you are used to from me but I hope some seeds of healing have been placed in your hearts and minds to give you a NEW life just as I have.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Walk by FAITH not by SIGHT
My typical morning ritual of reading my devotionals and just spending a few quiet minutes with God, before the hustles and bustles of my work day, I came across this scripture:
2 Corinthians 5:7
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
I want to tell you that it's a simple as that and that I wait on the Lord to fight all of my battles. Chile please, I stress over events, registrations and the likes of the work I do and the ways I live like most folks, but my faith sustains me not to WORRY about a single thing. Now that takes some spiritual discipline. It's easier for us to believe what we can actually see rather than claiming and speaking of things into existence. I once had a dream that I would be ministering to a multitude of people and once I shared that dream, most people said that in that dream, God had called me into the ministry to become a pastor. I knew that wasn't the exact details of that particular dream. I knew He called me to be a motivational speaker and that I would heal His lands through the words of encouragement, empowerment and comfort that the Holy Spirit placed inside of me. This dream happened before an y books I've published, workshops I've facilitated and any motivational speaking engagements I've booked. The sight that you see now in my life is the results of my faith, long ago of that dream I had. I prayed and decreed that God said it and showed me in that dream His purpose for me and now I have the luxury of living a purposed fill life, currently.
A lot of victims of domestic violence want to know what they will be getting themselves into if they exit that toxic relationship. They want to know where their gonna live, how to feed their children, get income to provide for them, etc. They want all of that to be CONFIRMED before they take one step forward to living a new life. It never once crosses their mind that all God wants is for them to take ONE step over their line of fears, worry and doubts and TRUST HIM to provide of their needs after they walk by faith and not by what their immediate sight, sees.
When I left my marriage, I couldn't tell you what was to happen next but the comfort I did have was that my faith said whatever lies ahead for ME is for ME! Yes I cried some nights because I was broke, brokenhearted, confused, not enough education for certain positions that I knew I could do..... oh but God wiped those tears and put me in a position that has lead to plenty of NEW opportunities and blessings.
If you're not a victim of domestic violence and you're trying to start your own business, write a book or anything that you don't see happening in the natural, now, walk by faith and not by sight and watch God work wonders in your favor in your life. I'm a witness for what God does if you pray without ceasing and believing and walking into what you've prayed for even BEFORE it happens.
Journal entry: What are you believing God for? Until manifestation, what is your faith like on that matter? Be specific in your prayer and petitions to God with thanksgiving in your heart NOW because you walk by faith and not by sight.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
"Do You Love Me?"
While the absence of my writing have been obvious to some people including myself, God has never let my pen stay away for too long from me. The words or question He asked me was, "Do you love Me?" I knew instantly that question wasn't necessarily for me (yes, I love the Lord, daily and it didn't happen over night). That question was for someone out there who is feeling down or scared to move towards a new beginning because they've left behind a loved one to seek a better life for themselves, a toxic relationship, a bad habit, a job that defined their lifestyle, a doctor's diagnosis of the end for them as they know it. If you love the Lord like I do, you know that no matter what you see or don't see in front of you, He will provide ALL of your needs. Not some of them but ALL of them. I was delirious I believe this past weekend, I'm blaming the enemy and the meds that I was taking due to a severe toothache (fractured, split and abscess)..... OUCH!!! The enemy had me doubting EVERYTHING but the faith of a muster seed that I have knew it was him (the enemy) and his tricks and I diverted my energy and thoughts ASAP. Until a dear friend pointed it out, I read a 1,000 books but never once picked up the Bible to see what the Lord had to say about my doubts. Yes I read my daily devotionals with scriptures attached to them. But I haven't nestled up under a blanket and got lost in the Bible for hours like I would reading a good Toni Morrison book. Oh but thy faithfulness still spoke to me and asked, "Do you love Me?" See to love someone is to have an open heart, mind, body and soul experience with someone else. God was asking me to give to Him the love that is due to Him just as I do and better than I love my children, family, boyfriend, students and anyone else that I show an unexplainable amount of love to. His words said, "If you love me, why haven't I heard from you about the doubts you're having?" Just as a child that has done something wrong, I instantly felt convicted. A conviction of love not of condemnation. You see people will write you off once you've done something wrong, but God NEVER will. I felt the power of God show up in my life, although I haven't seen the results of my prayers, I know they are headed my way.
I have a coworker that always affirm to me that when you do right, things always have to work out for you. I'm gonna stretch that statement and affirm and say that when you love the Lord with all thy heart and with all thy mind and with all thy soul...... Jesus is on the mainline and headed your way!
Ask yourself, do you love the Lord? Whatever your answer is currently at this moment, He will help you and He has NEVER turned his back on you. I think that my faith is so strong in the Lord that to even make the grounds I walk on, even tremble, the enemy almost has to take my life to make his presence known. The last three days in February was a blessing in disguise. I was given a house to move in by my sister for me and my family to live in. So I had THREE days to move out of the "Bulls room", paint the famous red wall back white in the condo, rent a truck, find some help to move and once that was ACCOMPLISHED, the gas couldn't get turned on because the the squatter that was living RENT FREE there, broke the pipelines (we didn't know this) from hooking the water line illegally and the basement was flooded. The technician could not turn on the gas and heat which made the house for us unlivable at that moment. Now I was in attack mode now against the devil. So my mind says, I've been living in my condo for over a year, call myself moving out and into a house and to basically be homeless cause now me and my family are at my sister house. Oh there was a bunch of curse words to be inserted there. BUT GOD...... stepped in and said, "Do you love Me? Do you trust Me?" I knew the answers to those questions were a big fat "YES." But I wasn't walking in my answers. Since, the city of Chicago water management has come out, a plumber, others who have skills in this area to lend a helping hand and I promise you I know the answer to this problem or setback for a setup by God is that He has the final say on this. I've taken my hands and mind off it. I started thanking him for providing a ram in the bush (my sister) for even allowing us to stay with her in her home. I start praising God for allowing the problem to happen BEFORE we actually lived and slept there. I started praising God that the renovations that are needed for the house from the squatter living there for years are MINOR!!! Oh, I really pissed the enemy off........ that sucker snatched my voice and throat days later all in one day, guess he said, "That'll shut her up with all of that praising God."
But God.........
Said to the enemy (I feel like), "She loves me, watch this, even as my servant Job was tested and showed himself approved of the love and favor of God, so will she." I became aware of the enemies plan and put on my full armor of God. I couldn't praise out loud, but you bet your fancies I was praising him in my mind and heart. Tears flowed every day because I couldn't talk, eat, drink liquids..... NOTHING! That was a fast even without being planned. Everytime I tried to speak a word the enemy held it but that lasted for so long. I just got up to write after days of lying down because God said to me, "Get up, take your mat up and write." The devil may have physically stolen my voice for a little while but my love for God kept me in perfect peace throughout the storms of life that's all around me. I couldn't speak but God spoke for me, I believe on behalf of my love for Him. I'm sitting here with an abled body and mind and today I spoke out against the plans of the enemy. Go away Satan, you no longer have authority of my voice, God does and he instantly had to flee from me. Will he return, sure, that's his job but I am grounded in my love for God and my faith is unmoveable.
Whatever you are facing today, take up your mat of fear, pity, depression, questions, doubts and hand over to the God that you love and better get to trusting daily that provides for you, comforts you, blesses you and not only you but anyone connected to you. Ain't God good? I LOVE HIM...........
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