A New Me Foundation, INC.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I will be teaching a workshop tomorrow to a women's support group on the topic: Strengths vs Weakness.  I prayed about a topic to discuss to the women because the last time I spoke to this group, the topic was domestic violence.  We covered the warning signs, starting over and the power of forgiveness.  So now that we have that out of the way on the way to greatness....I felt the spirit say to me, "strengths vs weakness".......

I'll admit, when I prayed, I asked God to reveal to me if that was a topic for myself or the group to discuss and get involved in removing some layers of weakness or rediscovering new ways to strengthen our strengths.  So yep, pretty much, that same spirit (Holy spirit) pinched my soul and said you better get to work on yourself so you can get the revelations you need to teach this group.  Anybody that knows me, know that I've fought the spirit plenty of times in the past to be smart enough now, to listen and OBEY the Holy Spirit!  I began instantly on this assignment, grabbed my journal and went to work.

In my current endeavors, people "read" about my life as a motivational speaker, author and founder of A New Me Foundation, but not know the "behind the scene" advantages and disadvantages that I go through to accomplish my goals and to help others in life.  I am a crybaby at heart.  I'll cry first and then reflect on my weaknesses or challenges later.  A lot of people assume that leaders have it all together.  I've researched powerful and phenomenal women in our current society and a few that paved the way.  I gathered that although we see them successful and beautiful in front of the camera, they too have endured and currently dealing with weaknesses in their lives.

To name a few women for you to research, look over the lives of Oprah Winfrey, Maya Angelou, Cicely Tyson, Mary Monroe, Halle Berry, etc...... even with the recent loss of our favorite singer, Whitney Houston....she too had some weaknesses.  Not convinced on this group?  What about David, Mary & Martha, Paul, Peter and any other name you dissect in the Bible.  They all had at least one weakness in their lives.

It does my heart no good to beat myself up over mistakes I've made or areas in my life that I appear weak to myself or others.  I have strength through Jesus the Christ to conquer those weaknesses any day of the week.  When I find I weakness, I get to the bottom of it by exploring the options of where it came from and how can I execute it, quickly, if it's simple or create an action plan to get rid of it.  Problems won't go away if you ignore them, nor does your weaknesses.  Get in the word, study it, live it and therefore when you feel that weakness creeping up in your life.......GO TO WORD!!! The Word of God will teach you how to deal with your weakness:

Isaiah 40:29 (NLT)  He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.

I say these things to you not as an expert but as a witness of the gospel that your faith and strength will only come from the Lord, in your weakness.  When you overcome a weakness, you will look around and say, "My God has not forsaken me"....wonder who said that in the Bible....LOL


Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Makes YOU a Great WOMAN???

Looking back over my life and the lives of a few others, I'd have to say that my uniqueness, hardworking ethics, dedication, compassion towards others, attitude adjustments, completing personal and career goals, motherhood and it's challenges and a host of other things makes me a GREAT WOMAN.

I often ask in my domestic violence workshops, what describes you as a person.  After the women take a few seconds to jot down or gather in their minds their specific attributes about themselves, it's time for the revelation.  You would be surprised at how many WOMEN can NOT answer this simple question.  Due to years of being cast out by their partners and/or family.  Some women often take on whatever characteristics their partner is or have.  Take a quick test and grade your self on that theory of mine.  In the meantime, This blog is all about YOU...the GREAT WOMAN that YOU are.  The point of this exercise is to open a dialogue to and for the women to start making their own choices and preparing to go to new levels in their lives, while discovering NEW talents/gifts, that they never knew were there, or too afraid to step out on faith.

I recently attended ANMF Parenting Class and we were asked a question: What makes you a good parent?  With the three children that I have and their very different personalities, I personally feel that, I'm a good parent simply because I have remained sane since I was introduced to motherhood.  For some women, patience is really a virtue when you have children.  I think motherhood alone is the greatest gift from God to a WOMAN.

Women come in all different shapes, sizes and colors but yet we all are made wonderfully in God's image.  I never really understood why it's so hard for women to get along in society.  There are so many cliques (yes I was apart of few in my younger day).  I always advocate on my own behalf that in my younger days, I was selfish, sometimes inconsiderate, let boys dictate my friends, etc and if I hurt anyone that crossed my path...I APOLOGIZE!  Since those days, I've become a new person with new mindsets.  I think that's another thing GREAT about me:  I don't carry BAGGAGE with me.  I've done so much in my past that people have forgiven me for that it's only right I set that example in my own life.

So today, I ask you, what makes you a great woman?  Plant your seed(s) today and make a difference in our society, in some way.

Help break the silence in our communities about domestic violence!!!!