A New Me Foundation, INC.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again.

Stepping out on faith isn't easy but sometimes, I believe God pushes us out there sometimes to give us a head start on what's to come, so that, we can walk into what He has for us.  Stepping out on faith is one admitting that you will be in the midst of the unknown but yet you rely on and are aware of the complete control that God has on your life.......Let that soak in for a minute .......

I've been placed in so many uncomfortable positions and situations in the past four years and God has opened so many doors for me to walk through, but because of fear, I chose not to walk through those doors.  It wasn't until a few weeks ago, I was pushed out of a familiar door in my life, yet another time.  I was ready to wait on God's direction, yet again.  It wasn't until this past Friday morning when I cried because I realized that God had moved me to the only option left which was to step out on faith and away from those uncomfortable positions and situations, I mentioned earlier.  I felt Him say to me, "Felicia, leave fear behind because it's holding you back from what I have in store for you!"  For more clarity, (sometimes we all feel like we need more clarity after God has spoken to us), some people in my life, spoke of those these same words to me, in various ways and conversations that further lets me know that it was God speaking to me through them (He knows I'm hard headed at times).  I am confident that God is in complete control over this NEW move I'll be making soon.

I will be cutting the cords of fear and doubt which have been my safety net and walking out on faith like never before and boldly into the unknown.  Though I'm aware that the attacks from the enemy is about to be an upgrade, but with God on my side, I know during those attacks, it will be as smooth as a walk in the park on a cool spring day.

If God has been pushing you out of some doors, uncomfortable places or situations, it's because He has equipped you to walk into something NEW and long lasting.  He is your safety net.....TRUST HIM!!! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sometimes, Just Let Your Hair Down A Bit

In case you've been wondering where I've been or what I've been doing with A New Me Foundation, Inc., I'll tell you.....LIVING MY LIFE!  That included going through an unexpected break-up from a man I loved, trying to remain sane through College Algebra (I passed both classes by the way), financial hardships with my job, enhancing my skills through professional development trainings, symposiums, workshop, etc., working on sketches for new books to publish and DATING can you believe it? Me either!!!!!

I've just been enjoying this cruel world at times.... CARE FREE!!!!! I got so caught up in my career and business as an entrepreneur, that I chose to take a hiatus for awhile to enjoy the many other outlets in my life that I may have taken for granted because I was "too busy" changing the lives of others.  Hey, I'm human and who doesn't want to live a productive life? 

I'm very proud of my fellow sisters whose businesses have grown, gained NEW partnerships and collaborations, NEW milestones they've reached and NEW communities they have provided services to in my absence.  I know some of their personal stories of fear, low self-esteem, lack of resources and this list could go on but they stuck through it all and now their visions are on the surface for the world to have access to and they are soaring with planting seeds of greatness in our communities.  

I actually enjoyed my hiatus because I simply let my hair down a bit and enjoyed my life, even survived the chaos that has hugged me tight in the last year.  It's amazing what a year can do to bring about change in a person's life.  Sometimes we plan ahead for a year and other times, just getting through it all day by day, leads us to a year later and we get a glimpse of the progress we made.  I'm excited, moving forward for the NEW great things that ANMF will be doing in our communities as well as NEW programs we will be providing services to our clients, in this year.   

It's ok to be a successful person in today's society but please, please, please, take the time to let your hair down a bit and enjoy life because in the field of social services, where you are constantly taking on case loads of other people problems, you will get burned out and overwhelmed if you don't take some "me" time everyday, take vacations, step away from the computers, laptops, cell phones, etc and just LET YOUR HAIR DOWN A BIT!!!!!!!