A New Me Foundation, INC.

Monday, October 31, 2011


I've moved on
yesterday is over
today was a start
tomorrow is an introduction
to the rest of my life

I've moved on
from hurting and feeling like
there's no way out of here
Behold, God has given me a
better path to take

I've moved on
to a better life for me & my kids
a life with goals and dreams of my own
no more will you control my destiny

I've moved on
to a place of peace
no weapons formed against me shall prosper
the poisonous words you left on my soul have
moved on

No longer will I stand still & be disrespected
No longer will I let your hands touch me in anger
No longer will the sounds of your voice alert me that danger lies ahead

I have my own voice now
through steadfast prayers and through out the writings in my journal
which helped me go beyond what I saw in front of me

You came for me because you thought that my love for you was still there

Sadly, no one told that..... I've moved on!!


Sunday, October 30, 2011


On October 29th, A New Me Foundation and 10 volunteers went to the Pacific Garden Mission this place provides immediate services for homeless men, women and children. The experience was amazing!! I had a great time and the volunteers had a great time as well. I took my son, daughter and niece with me. The people or "guests" there gave me a new perspective on life and how I "view" homeless people. Not all of them are "mentally-ill bums". They had the best and humbled spirits, wore suits and SMILED at us the entire time. We often think that life is full of problems and stress. They (guests at Pacific Garden Mission) showed me that God is life and He can make the worst/ugly situations in your life ....... BEAUTIFUL!!!!

To see all of the pictures you will need to "Like" A New Me Foundation Facebook page.

Homelessness and domestic violence have a definitely relationship one with the other. Go out in your communities and help those in need and continue to BREAK THE SILENCE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!!!!

If you would like to volunteer with A New Me Foundation, please email Felicia Simpson at anewmef@gmail.com

Thursday, October 20, 2011


There is a passion that burns in my soul. There is a song that I sing to keep peace still in my life. Sound the alarm and let the enemy know that God has a divine purpose for your life. You may not agree with it...... or even understand it. Die to the flesh daily that would beg for others acceptance. Mountains will be moved at the sound of His voice. This moment was written in HIStory for He knows all and sees all. The enemy knows you and has dined with you. He came to steal your joy, happiness and the divine purpose of your life. God's angels are camped out all around you and are ready to help take back anything that the enemy has stolen from you. Do not be impressed by his smile, vocabulary or credentials, you see God made you in His image, and there is no achievement greater than that. Sound the alarm, your breakthrough is on deck!

You think God has forgotten about you? You think you're not worthy enough to receive His blessings? The Bible says:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. New International Version (©1984)

He hears you and knows all about you.

Sound the alarms and let the enemy know that TODAY is the day that you will be free from the bondage of depression and defeat, that once clothe you.

Sound the alarms and tell satan to, "Get thee behind me!" Say it boldly with confidence about the God you serve. It's not easy being you. That's why there's a fight for your life. In one corner the enemy is telling you to "give up" and "give in." Over there in the VICTORY corner is Jesus the Christ, who died for your sins, mine and the sins of the world. When the enemy calls DON'T answer.....God has him on speed dial, and He will deal with him later. Life is what you make it! God has given you a platform to speak out loud against your adversaries and declare that, "no weapon formed against you shall prosper!"

Sound the alarm and proclaim today that with God, ALL things are possible!

Be Blessed :-)


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


(Domestic violence facts are following the "*" asterisk mark)

*One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.

Ladies, look to your left and then to your right, a woman in this place has been a victim of domestic violence.

* Ninety-five percent of domestic violence victims are women.

Women, hold you head up.....we as a neighbor in your community, can and will decrease this percentage.

* Children are also victims.

To the child that hides in the closet after the abuse is over, we hear you. Domestic violence has no age requirement!

* Two out of five women are murdered by their husbands or partners.

As the preacher says, "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust".......my sister, we place this white flower on your grave site yearly, in remembrance of your presence. May your soul rest in peace and may God bless your soul with eternal life. You will never be forgotten!

* Battering often occurs during pregnancy. Thirty percent of victims have been physically abused while pregnant, making domestic violence of the leading causes of birth defects.

Pregnancy, another beautiful gift from God. Your abuser doesn't see it that way. Instead, he uses your pregnancy as an excuse to violently hit, kick and punch your stomach. Leaving the child that passes through the birth canal already damaged and torn in life. Or worse, the child never saw the light of day.....he/she died inside the mother's womb.

* During the six month period following an incident of domestic violence, approximately thirty-two percent of women are victimized again.

A woman will leave her abusive partner at a minimum of six times to only return to because of his sweet sounds of "I'm sorry, I promise I won't hit or hurt you again." But we know the ending to this story.......he does hit her again, and again, and again........

* Domestic violence is defined as a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviors and tactics used by one person over another to gain power and control. (www.mass.gov)

If you or a loved one is in an abusive relationship or marriage there is help call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800)799-7233


Thursday, October 13, 2011


I have read countless comments on social medias from single women that have ended one relationship and one week later have begun another one. GET TO KNOW YOURSELF ......& PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME! When a woman or man for that matter, does this self gratifying act, you miss key issues and personality traits that lies within yourself and this new partner.

Dating is meant to be fun and if there is a key player on the fields of dating, the chance to make commitments and see where things press on from there. EVERYBODY YOU DATE IS NOT TO BE VISIONED TO ESCORT YOU DOWN THE AISLE LADIES. Don't miss out on the fun of dating because you're too busy picking out what color your brides maids dresses will be. You will scare the man away before a second date could be scheduled. I AM NOT A RELATIONSHIP GURU.....but some things and with experience, have just come naturally to me as common sense.

I told a co-worker that I am just enjoying my life right now with my boyfriend. I have learned from my mistakes of past failed relationships and dating horror stories, to share a few tips here. I feel that after a break up you need time to reflect, heal, and FOCUS on you and those around you. YES THAT SHOULD BE DONE PRIOR TO THE RELATIONSHIP AS WELL. But for those of you that are pretty much hard headed after me, it usually happens after.

I am the first to admit that in the past, I would date guys and do whatever it was that they wanted and expected of me to do..... kind of the go along with their theory to keep the peace and keep the man....... BIGGEST MISTAKES IN MY LIFE!!! This is not a male bashing blog, I have no problem doing things that my partner wants me to do but at this point in my life, I have my own identity that allows me to acknowledge that their must be balance in the relationship. It took me to get away to a quiet little city known as Milwaukee in Wisconsin, to get to know ME. I asked myself the following questions (this was after a breakup):

1.) What do I like to do?

2.) What is it in life, that I want to achieve?

3.) What kind of life do I want for my children, that will allow them to contribute to society?

Simple, three questions! That's what I thought and the answers to these questions are written in my journal. You see, I had just broken up with my boyfriend and life was all about him and his needs so I was a confused being when I was alone. The question, "So now what do I do?" was ever present on the tip of my tongue. I had no clue that I enjoyed writing, reading, having discussions about topics of the world and the Bible, etc. EVERYTHING had been about my partner. It took awhile for me to discover for myself the things that I like and the things that I didn't. It also helped me to identify later on while dating, those individuals that I could commit to and those that don't stand a chance.

I say all of this to say, that there is a time in life, where you need to know yourself and be ok with who you are before committing to a relationship that's doomed from the start. A relationship should "add value to your life" (Pastor Jamal Harrison Bryant), not take from it. This statement does not mean financial value - although there is a component for financial value - but for the purpose of this blog: TWO WHOLE PEOPLE SHOULD COME TOGETHER TO CREATE A UNION. Why would you want a partner that hasn't healed from their past in your life? Vice verse why would you give unto your partner, an unstable being?

I'm gonna give you a moment here to reflect on that!


The person you were a month, year or five years ago should NOT be the same person with the same thoughts.... TODAY! If you don't see growth in your life.........life has passed you by and you need to get with positive influences and get on board of this train we call LIFE.

Don't spend another moment in an unhealthy and unhappy relationship. Ask God for the strength to deliver you out of it! I am a witness that He will and I read this scripture almost daily to myself, and I'm gonna pass it on to you:

Isaiah 61

The Year of the Lord's Favor

1 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,because the Lord has anointed meto preach good news to the poor.He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,to proclaim freedom for the captivesand release from darkness for the prisoners,[a]

2 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favorand the day of vengeance of our God,to comfort all who mourn,3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beautyinstead of ashes,the oil of gladnessinstead of mourning,and a garment of praiseinstead of a spirit of despair.They will be called oaks of righteousness,a planting of the Lordfor the display of his splendor.

That which is in bold in that scripture, is my favorite and I apply it to myself.....He will give me beauty (blessings) for my ashes (setbacks, trials and tribulations). You have to love a God that will declare His unconditional love for you.

I would not be serving my purpose if the thoughts in my soul did not pour out in abundance in this blog. Think about what I've said, use it in your life and pass it on to that friend or family member that has not cleansed their mind, body and soul from one relationship, before jumping into another one.

I leave you with uptmost love and inspiration with this video to meditate on:


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


When I see you, I feel angry
but your tears force me to have compassion

You say, you love me, but what is to you? One minute you can't live without me and in the next moment, you are that person that could make this......be....my.....last .......breath

Fighting, yelling, screaming, crying.....doors slam.....sex......doors open

That becomes my survival method

Enclosed by these walls that is the gatekeeper to our violent secret

No one knows

I hide from embarrassment

No one knows the suicidal thoughts that play in my mind, like an innocent child in a playground

If I keep quiet....


The bullet that was meant for me detoured and pierced his soul

Now two lives become another statistic:
one lies in a grave
one lies behind the iron bars of cruel and unusual punishment

NO ONE KNOWS..... what a victim of domestic violence goes through in the United States

Every 15 seconds a woman is abused

but, NO ONE KNOWS.... the hour, date and time when domestic violence will end



This poem was written to encourage the victim of domestic violence that is locked behind bars because at some point she/he got fed up and in act of fear and rage committed the crime of murder to the abuser. This poem was written to also educate us on our judicial system and if we as society don't hurry and break the silence of domestic violence, our men and women will be taken from our homes and leaving our children in maximum filled institutions.

Be blessed!



Every October, we observe the month to reflect on the previous year, remember those that have passed away due to this crime and continue the fight to ending domestic violence. This is a serious time of the month for me. If you know me or have read anything that I've posted or published, you know my tag line is: BREAK THE SILENCE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. This is the time of year that advocates like myself, use as many platforms that we can to bring more awareness to our families, communities and political arenas. Is this the only time of the year that we speak out against domestic violence? Of course not!

DVAM is not the only month that women and men wear purple or place purple ribbons everywhere. I always get amazed at the story or testimony that comes from a person that is wearing purple or showcasing their ribbon. You never know who is a victim, survivor, friend or family member of the first two. Maybe it's just their job at a local agency or shelter. Whatever their story is, domestic violence has affected them in way or another.

I am in the start up phase of A New Me Foundation filing to be a tax exempt foundation. So during DVAM I am gaining as much statistics on funding cycles and grants awarded and budgets cuts made to other agencies that are domestic violence, service providers. I am using this month to extend networking opportunities with other agencies to help crisis victims that can't always go to shelters and chooses to stay at home with their abusive partners. I am using this time to use the gift that God has blessed me with: going out into the communities and facilitating several speaking engagements at churches, dinners and plays. This month my foundation will take volunteers to a homeless shelter to help service the needs of those that live there. Someone living there at the homeless shelter could be the result of the "no room at the domestic violence shelter" policy and had no other choice but to go there for safety.

A New Me Foundation along with F.A.C.E.I.T. (Friends Advocating for Causes Effectively Immediately Today), will be hosting a Relationship Forum at The Music Station on Thursday, October 27, 2011 from 8-11PM. The moderator for the evening will be the beautiful and funny comedienne Rashida "Buff Bay" Lucas. General Admission tickets are $10 and V.I.P. tickets are $35. This forum is to gather men and women together to openly discuss issues, challenges and promote healthy relationship alternatives to those that have the challenges. This forum creates a safe place for men and women to have a discussion that in one way or another break the cycles of violence but hopefully began new lives and new possibilities of ways of thinking and acting in our relationship with others. There will be a panel of selected individuals to give there input on the questions the audience have as well.

DVAM is what you make it. Get the facts about domestic violence and start having conversations with those closest to you that will in turn, go out in to the communities and BREAK THE SILENCE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!!!

My prayer is that you have read this and other blogs of mine and have been inspired to do something to help empower our women, men and their children that have suffered from this traumatic experience and crime. May God continue to lift up the family members of those that carry on the torch and legacy of those that have passed away. Your hard work is not in vain.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I'm human, not perfect! That was my post the other day on Facebook. I always tell people that I need to be taught too. I don't always make the right decisions and need guidance. Oh, don't even get me started being a woman and mother...... you know I'm always seeking advice and parenting tips from other people.

So last Friday, I made a mistake (this is typical in my world). By the time I was approached for my actions, I had already processed the wrongdoings on my part and was over the situation. The thing that I love about myself is that, I don't dwell on much of anything for long..... I get the lesson I need to learn, and MOVE ON! I don't sit for hours beating myself up about mistakes I've made.....remember: I'm human not perfect!

These thoughts crossed my mind heavy today when I see that people hold me up to higher standards or see me as having a leadership role. So I thought about similar people in our society that are leaders in some sort of capacity: President Barack Obama, Bishop T.D. Jakes, the principal at my kids schools, the pastors in the local churches, other Founders and Executive Director's of organizations. I wonder and is safe to assume that someone is there to teach these select individual people or at least help guide their influences on society or those that look up to them.

Now, don't get me wrong, I was remorseful for my actions at the moment. I realized I was just careless but to expect me to still be dwelling on my actions days later........ NOT!!!!

I'm thankful to have a small few people in my inner circle that don't cheer me on no matter what I do. I love the friends I have that can stand up to me and say, "You were wrong for that" or "That's not what's best for you right now." If you have friends and family like those that I just mentioned, CHERISH THEM.

Yes, I'M HUMAN NOT PERFECT! So as I continue on in observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I will be more attentive to my responses and actions to some things and some people. As Joyce Meyer book is titled, I feel like I'm a LEADER IN THE MAKING!!


Monday, October 3, 2011


I know most people celebrate New Year' Eve and make their new year's resolutions..... TODAY annually I celebrate living my life, downtown in Chicago in front of the Thompson Center at NOON. This gathering is a small ceremony to help raise awareness of domestic violence, support organizations around the city that provide services to victims and their children, say a prayer for the fallen victims and their families that continue on in their legacy, in this life.

Today, while the beautiful purple attire decorated the Thompson Center, I couldn't help but question the lack of my African American sisters attendance. As soon as I thought that was a private thought for me, an older woman approached me with questions of, "Where are the black women? We know they should be here." True, this woman was available in her pink attire to support the fight against breast cancer and took a moment to come see about the folks in purple gathered. I mentioned to her that last year, the majority of the spectators were that of African American decent. This year our Latina neighbors made their presence known. Roll call isn't to shame my sisters but to find out simply...."Where were you." We have too many neighbors that wake us up in the middle of the night to hear their cries at the hands of their abuser. Too many of their children run to our homes just to get away from the noise that mommy and daddy makes and sometimes to eat a meal in peace and quiet, for us not to have shown up today.

I'm not upset in this blog for you see:

Each year this rally marks another year for me that I MADE IT OUT ALIVE! If you have ever been a victim of domestic violence, than you know each day is NOT promised to you. Yep, I feel you, and that applies to the rest of the world. I understand that but let's look at my life for a split second: ONE punch would've killed me!

I hear on the news almost daily: woman found dead and the suspect in custody is her partner, who her family says she's had trouble leaving him in the pass.

YOU sit there and do nothing, that's the choice you have but I made a VOW to GOD that if He got me out of my situation, He could use my life as He saw fit! He knew my purpose was to break the silence of domestic violence for the victims, survivors and their families that are affected by it. Was I or am I qualified for this position? I ask Him that DAILY! I do recognize that EACH & EVERY blessing and gift comes from HIM because without Him, Felicia Simpson and A NEW ME FOUNDATION would NOT be here TODAY......

On this day annually, I have an agenda: I go to the rally, eat at my favorite sports bar, walk the pavements of the Chicago Loop, take photos or nature shots as I like to call them, shed a tear of sadness and then tears of joy. I simply take in the smells of life! I'm human, I hurt, laugh, cry and loose focus as some of you. God knows, He has had to focus my mind and soul several times. People always ask me, "How do you do what you do?" My answer, "GOD! I would have given up a long time ago." God says YES when I want to say NO. God gives me that extra strength when my head wants to reunite with my pillows. God said, "Wait, I have a good man for you that will cast out all of the rest....trust Me and be patient." He said this to me when I wanted to commit to the first commitment that was offered to me. So you see, I don't use this platform that's been given to me as a plug for my next event. I use it to show people that if I made it, the good Lord knows, YOU can.

It only takes one step to make a difference in your life. Last night, I was on "A Word with the Mouthpeace" radio show on Windy City Underground ( www.windycityunderground.com ) and I made a statement and she opened up my eyes and I'm sure her listeners with the following: One word really can change one life." As an example, she gave us the domino's that fall after one of them has been hit. I appreciate that powerful word and will be applying it to my life and the lives of others.