A New Me Foundation, INC.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Domestic Violence: Economic Abuse

Some people either can't believe this form of abuse exists, to ashamed to admit that they've been economically/financially abused and others just ignore it.  Whatever the case, let us discuss it:

Economic abuse is when an intimate partner controls your access to resources through the following:

  • transportation
  • money
  • food
  • clothing
  • shelter
  • harassment/stalking you at work 
  • threatening your coworkers, boss, etc
  • disrupting work/school opportunities
  • steals money from you 

Tips for victims that's economically abused:

  • Even though you are working ...... THERE'S HELP FOR YOU OUT THERE.  Consider applying for public aid for emergency food stamps and cash assistance.

  • You can seek or apply for child support payments.  The father of your children is legally responsible for them.  Talk to a lawyer to see what's best for you and your children to SURVIVE!!!!

  • File for Crime Victim Compensation if you have been beaten and incurred medical bills and lost wages due to the crime.

  • FIND A NEW HOME, JOB, DAYCARE, etc.!!!!!!!!

Whatever you are going through financially, there are available resources out there for you and your children.  Be SAFE and know that God is with you every step of the way!

Sunday, May 12, 2013



The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. 
Honore de Balzac, author 

If you're a mom, you're probably up answering all of the beautiful text messages, tweets, Facebook messages, phone calls, etc from loved ones, wishing you a Happy Mother's Day (so am I, you're not alone).  Being a mother is a SPECIAL gift in and of itself in various and sometimes strange ways.  Strange because for most of us, motherhood has changed our perspectives on life.  We stop thinking about ourselves ALL of the time and now share our hearts with our beautiful children.  

To the mother's whose celebrating their 1st Mother's Day today, get ready, get ready, get ready, to have an awesome experience of your life!  With hand written cards created by your toddler at a later date, roses, cards and balloons from your teen (asking to borrow your car, give them spending money to go out with their friends, yes I know, it's your day, but that means nothing to teens LOL).  Moms this is a great opportunity for your teens to do those chores you just don't feel like doing and please use, "It's Mother's Day, I'm OFF", and onto watching your once bundle of joy become an adult and also a parent.  

Mother's have always been pillars of our communities since the beginning.  Look at our beautiful first mother, Eve,  that was created in the midst of God's garden.  Let us not forget our ancestors and our living elders, from the great great great grannies to our granny on this day, who have passed down many family traditions to us all.  

We are blessed to be mothers and share an unlimited bond of sisterhood between us.  Today, enjoy your day, kiss and hug your kids, no matter their age.  Check on our elderly moms.  Let the word of the Lord plant seeds of peace, strength and courage inside of you as you sit in the church pews today (say a prayer for me too).  

Whatever you do today, ENJOY IT, after all it's YOUR day!!!!!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Going through Seasons

Earlier, I posted a status on my Facebook page about going through seasons of increase as well as  decrease.  Sometimes in life your harvest will be plenty and sometimes you feel like God has led you into the wilderness.  Sometimes He has, think of all of the biblical encounters in the wilderness.  That was where God fed His children the Word, and I believe He still provides us with the Bread of Life in the wilderness today.

When you're so busy doing positive things in your life and in the lives of others, you sometimes don't recognize the obvious wilderness that could be your current season.  If you study the word of God like I do, He commands us to be content in any season.  I like the analogy of the four seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter).  With each season, NEW things unfold and BAD/UNHEALTHY things wash or fade away.  

For the Spring, I believe, God prepares you for what's to come.  That's when you nurture your gifts and talents.  Start the rehearsals, change closet clothes around, plant gardens, dusts, do a little or a lot for some of us, what they call "spring cleaning" in our homes as well as in our personal lives.  In the Spring, we break out new vision boards and speak life into new goals and dreams for our families and careers.  You basically get ready, for what lies ahead.

Now the Summertime is tricky, to me at least.  In the summer, we get a little relaxed or comfortable.  Since we've planted and prepared ourselves in the Spring, we feel the need to relax, right and watch our harvest grow?  NO, NO, and chile NO.  See the summer time is also the devil's busiest season.  Too many people relaxing and not fully dressed in their spiritual armor and guess what?  He loves that and ATTACKS you from every angle.  See in the summer time, the atmosphere is moving and shaking and those things that look pretty at first sight such as the beginning of a toxic relationship pretending to be a healthy one, a job offer that looks good on paper but eventually will tear you away from your family if you take it, etc.     Those kinds of things, appear, for a lack of better words, in the summertime.  If we are not connected to the Source in the summertime, the things we planted in our lives back in the Spring, will be destroyed.  If you live in Chicago, this is the deadliest season for homicides amongst our youth.  I ask you to take notice of the many earthquakes, tsunami's, volcano eruptions and hurricanes.  Those all happen in the summertime early fall months.  Reading this book, 7 Days of Atonement by Steve Munsey helped point that out to me.  Physical science obviously, is shifting in the Earth and galaxy during the summertime and mankind better pay attention.  

Next up we have the Fall season.  This is the time where we gather what we've grown in the previous seasons and get ready to bring inside to prepare for the winter.  We usually have our last family gatherings together.  Kids go back to school.  The workloads increase because everyone is back from vacation, which results to longer hours at the gig and more time away from families.  We are starting our savings over from spending all of it traveling and having the latest fashions and accessories for our vacations.  Fall season to me is the getting things back in order time.  So you see the enemy will lurk around you, but he won't bother you as much.  He'll purposely let you rebuild to wait for the appropiate moment to attack, kill and destroy you.  Just when you've had enough of this back and forth relationship between you and the enemy and you're ready to throw in the towel, the Potter begins to respin His wheel of your life and gives you strength and grace to keep going forward, into the next season......

Finally, we have arrived at Winter.  Winter is to me, the best time that we hear from God.  Why because the weather sometimes forces us to and other times, there's not too much to distract us in the winter time.  We've survived hell all through out the previous seasons and God has watched and saved us, even now in the winter.  During this time, you see those extra pounds showing up on your body and you begin working out.  That toxic relationship was over at the end of summer, but it took you all of the fall to get over it and now in the winter, you decide it's time to move on.  That job you just had to have is NOT working out and you began putting your resume out there, again.   All of these things are done behind the scenes, I want to add even more, because you decided to finally listen to God and move to the drum of His beat.  Sometimes God have to work on you in PRIVATE in order for things to manifest in public on your behalf.  In the winter is when everything is covered in snow or dried up bearing no fruit.  If you are wise, you will reap what you have sown in the winter and become bff's with the winter.  Once the seasons reoccur after the winter, watch and see and mark my words, you WILL see new beginnings again and this time, you will appreciate them more and nurture them more. 

I used the analology of seasons to help you identify which season you are in currently.  Although it is spring time now, you could be in a winter season.  But whatever season you're in, know that God has a plan that He will carry you through it and bring you out of it, better than ever.

Be blessed!