A New Me Foundation, INC.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Domestic violence is the usage of power and control mechanisms towards a family member and most often, a partner or spouse, to obtain authority in the relationship. Living as a survivor and now advocate for women an children of all ethnicities and sexualities, who have become statistics to this quiet and unnoticed crime, I am convinced that the silence will soon be broken!

Know that there are available resources and support groups that can effectively help you make difficult decisions and provide safety plans for you and your children if you decided to leave the unhealthy relationship. Below is the number to call and find out answers to general questions you may have for yourself or someone involved in an unhealthy relationship:

The National Domestic Violence 24 Hour Hotline (800)799.SAFE (7233)

You have the gift of life, love yourself and break the silence!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love what you are doing by giving back and helping other women know that they are. Not alone and that they can be free of domestic violence.
