A New Me Foundation, INC.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


You ever felt like everything came crashing down at the same damn time in your life?  One thing after another just keeps happening?  No matter how much you give of yourself, money and time the return is never worth the stress it took?  You get rid of one problem and lurking behind you was another problem, posted, waiting to make an entrance?  Here yee, here yee..... I have felt and feel that way too. You pray for peace, strength, prosperity and then the devil gets every foot soldier he owns to make sure your day is a living hell.  Oh, what about ALL of your ideas are GREAT, but no one pays attention to them or support your vision?  As Bishop T.D. Jakes would say, "get ready, get ready".....

How much is too much to take just for one person to endure?  JUST GIVE UP? This question/statement is like a ritual inside of your head but something tugs at your spirit and tells you to keep on keeping on.  Or how about that famous line, God won't put more on you than you can bare but baring it is impossible at this point.  Again, I can say all of this because I've lived it and lawd knows I think it too sometimes.  I take life in whatever forms I'm dealt.  I learn and live to see another day.  I stress over minors and majors but I'm comforted in knowing that in the remembrance of what God has done in the past for me, I'm guaranteed that He is ever present and will work things out for you.

I was listening to this song I attached (above) on Pandora and instantly my hands hit the keyboard yet again.  Instead of giving up I feel like you find a better way to deal with certain situations that for now, you have no control over.  Step out into victory and walk away from the traps of the enemy satan who repeatedly tests and try you and not knowing that the Master already has a plan for you.  When God has a plan, THAT'S IT and THAT'S ALL ....it shall be done.

The journey of your pain and frustrations tell a story.  A story that someday you will read and say, "wow, I did that?  I said that?  I went through that?  I helped that person?  I didn't give up?  The enemy should've taken me out then but God kept me?"  At this point, somebody should be shouting THANK YOU JESUS FOR KEEPING ME.  Think about the thoughts of deliverance, healing and pressing forward, joy, abundance and any other fruits that will be added to your life if you DON'T GIVE UP!

How much is too much to take for one person to endure?  Only you and God know that answer.  But look at your situation(s) and ask yourself, what can you do differently?  Because clearly the same things you've been doing is NOT working.  Sacrifices and a lot of hard work lies ahead for you if you are ready to step out on faith and trust God and not trust in your fears of failures and/or rejection from your family or peers.  Not everyone is gonna like what you do or what you have to say (trust me, no one knocks down my door to talk about domestic violence and women empowerment, thankfully I obey what God assigns me to do and continuously be blessed while doing it).  The key of it all to me is, whatever you do you should enjoy it, embrace it, make a return investment on it and society should be a better place to live in because of it.

Let's help one another live an abundant life, what do you do when you feel like too much has happened and you want to give up but you don't?  Someone out there needs to hear your ways of survival and empowering testimonies.

Lastly, I'll leave you with a another one of my favorite meditation songs when I feel like giving up:

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