I was reminded of how a person shouldn't be condemned because of their past mistakes. Especially if the person that hurt you has repented, matured and has a consistent lifestyle change(s) for the better. It made my heart jump at the thought of not having this person around me anymore because of what happened in the past. It's okay to guard your heart and discern what's right and wrong in any relationship, whether it's personal or professional. But don't cast a person out because of a mistake they've made, a minute, month, year or years ago.
Take hold of the moment now and inhale the blessings that God has given unto you, thus far. Embrace the promises of your future through the word of God daily. There's nothing God can do about your situation(s) until you do one thing. What is it you ask? LET GO OF IT! See that wasn't hard to do, was it? God is omniscient (have total knowledge), omnipresent(everywhere at the same time) and omnipotent (have unlimited power and authority), trust when I say, HE DOESN'T NEED YOUR HELP! While you're waiting for His guidance in the shadow of His presence, take a moment and live your life. Why stress out over what he has already promised you? There is never a reason or answer to that question. Take comfort in my words and let them be a light unto your new path in life.
Don't forget after you let go of your past and let God handle your future........BREAK THE SILENCE of Domestic Violence!
I really enjoyed writing this blog today because not only did I prayerfully allow to the Spirit to use me to teach, I was a student of that same Spirit. Be blessed everyone!