A New Me Foundation, INC.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


I thought about writing a blog that reveals my uncut testimony. Some people will never come out to hear me speak, but will read my blog and gain insight and knowledge from my personal testimony as a survivor of domestic violence. When God's name be lifted up, all men will draw unto Him! Let's see how this goes....I pray that God will use me in a mighty way to reveal to "man", my past and not be ashamed of who I am but to continue to encourage me to help others. Some people will allow my story to take root in their souls and others will use it to speak evil within amongst others, for the latter, I ask of Your forgiveness now......

I never really had an adult and meaningful relationship. I had the typical boyfriends in high school and we all know college boyfriends are pretty much none existent. So the summer I came home from Grambling State University, I engaged in the activities such as hanging out in my neighborhood with my friends. Out of spite for someone else, I began engaging in flirting conversations with a guy. I knew of this guy mainly in my childhood but never actually spoke words to or held a full conversation with. Anybody that knows me I'm a magnet towards the mysterious male gender. I am typically attracted to men that, until I meet them, no one pays them any attention. I find the littlest thing that ignites my fire to want to get to know them. For this guy bought something new to the table: a challenge. You see most guys I said I wanted I usually got with no chaser, and boom we were in a relationship. Not this man. From the moment we spoke, the chase began. For weeks on end, he would allow me into his life piece by piece. I had already had two small children by my "first love", who told me that no man was gonna want me now that I had two small children. For awhile, I held onto to that theory of his. This man I met, not only took me in, but encourage me to bring my children with me at all times whenever we hung out......STOP THE PRESSES!!! I know what you are thinking, "What man does that?" I tell you, this man did.....

As time went on the love between us grew and the isolation from my family and friends grew as well. There were no longer days that I hung out with my girlfriends, went out to a lounge or club. Every time I had was spent with him. Of course I felt like this must be love. We spend so much time together and actually get along. Until one night I we got into an argument and in his anger, he threw a Corona bottle at the wall but instead, the bottle hit me in the nose. It broke my nose and thus began the lies to cover over more "incidents". I told my family, friends and co-workers that we had gone paint-balling and I got hit in the nose. The ENT clinic better known as the Ears, Nose and Throat department at the University of Chicago Hospitals, knew better. The doctor carefully wrapped my nose up and prescribed meds for me and sent me on my way. There were a multitude of other "incidents" like that where I had black eyes and bruises and had to stay in the house to hide what was going on. To keep him looking like the good guy and to keep people out of our business. So many nights I cried on the floors of our apartments...yes of course we moved in together..... and so many pages I filled up with thoughts of suicide, ways to kill him, depression, anxiety attacks, crying at the altar every Sunday that my bruises allowed me to put make up on them and attend Sunday morning worship service. You see anywhere BUT my house was a safe haven. I was blamed for everything, disregarded as a woman because of my many sexual encounters in my past. My name was no longer Felicia, it was "bitch", "slut" and "hoe". I began to believe that the person I used to be was long gone. There were so many people praying for me and helping me escape and each time I escaped, I WENT BACK. I used to hide a "travel kit" outside in the backyard for whenever things got too heated at home and I needed to run away real quick. Inside of this Walmart plastic bag or my "travel kit", were the following items: a toothbrush, soap, deodorant, face towel, and bag with a few coins in it to use a pay phone. As Erykah Badu mentioned, you have to "pack light". There were plenty of times I left the house to walk barefoot in the middle of the night with my kids and had just enough money in my pockets to ride the bus or catch a cab to my parents house. I tell you this in rememberance of what I went through so that NO ONE else would.

People always ask me: "What made you finally leave?" Answer: I woke up with a black eye and looked in the mirror and said to myself, "This isn't me, this isn't the way I was brought up to be." With the clothes I had on my back, I ran out of the house. Thank God my children were already at my parents house. I called my mentor, stayed with her for a week and my family relocated me to live with relatives that I barely knew in Milwaukee, WI. Oh but this story doesn't end here........

Let's just say I didn't stay in Milwaukee too long. I came back tried several attempts to fix our marriage through counseling and much needed prayer. If you know anything about domestic violence, there's a cycle of abuse that happens: the tension building, the explosion and the honeymoon phase. Well people the honeymoon was over once I officially moved back to Chicago. On February 13, 2009, at 2:00 AM, my husband came home drunk and choked me after I hit him to get him out of my face. My father heard us in the basement and came to "break it up". I ran upstairs and called 911. My father kept encouraging him to leave the house and go cool off but I had already said to him after my last black eye, that if he ever put his hands on me, I don't care how small of a push it is.......I'm gone!!!!

That night ladies and gentlemen was the final straw. The cops came and arrested him. He had other issues that he was dealing with that kept him locked up for the past years. I told a few members at my church what was going on and they covered me and opened up the power of PRAYER into my life. You see that had helped me escape plenty of times, before and all I did was go back. I wanted to volunteer at a domestic violence shelter for women and their children, but first you had to go through a 40 hour training. Through that training, I was delivered from my marriage. That was the counseling and encouragement that helped me start my divorce process.

On May 5, 2010 my divorce was finalized and I was free to began "A NEW ME." I began doing that things and going places that I had always wanted to but couldn't. I accepted my past failures and began a journey towards a new one. Squashed old beefs with people from my past and started my life completely over.

TODAY I stand proud of my journey that I've been through and through writing my self published books and blogs, continuing my education, establishing a website, countless interviews, motivational speaking engagements and workshops done on domestic violence and healthy relationships. Through all of that, A NEW ME FOUNDATION was birthed this year May 2011 and God has blessed my footsteps ever since.

I've never written a blog this long before, but TODAY God whispered to me to tell my story for someone who needed to "read" it. Again I pray that this testimony has uplifted your life in some way it is NEVER intended to "bash" my ex-husband or to throw a pitty party for myself. This was for God's glory NOT mine.

Be blessed and continue to help me and A New Me Foundation, break the silence of domestic violence!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Yesterday, I was feeling so down and weak.... yes that does happen to me from time to time. I carry a lot of weight on these small shoulders of mine and often push back my needs to help others or appease others. My good friend said something that stood out to me and that kept me a float all day: " .... look out for YOU".... Can we get in the way of ourselves sometimes? As of yesterday, I am definitely an observer of this question. Being a semi-perfectionist and the founder of A New Me Foundation, my daily operation and feelings all have to be pinpointed and accurate. Sometimes that's a good thing and often times, I miss the perks of true happiness because sometimes I have to make or break situations instead of being patient and enjoying outcomes. I'm not saying to NOT extract the things or people in your life that are not of substance. What I'm saying is as my friend said, "LOOK OUT FOR YOU!" Look out for the things in you that hinders progress! Communication with yourself daily is the key that I found helps me stay on task daily. Recalling what is the "big" picture and moving forward, accordingly. Whenever you experience a set back or you feel down, DO NOT stay there. I repeat, DO NOT stay there. Plow through the fields of your life and have patience and know that, the Earth is here for the enjoyment of your life. People and things can be replaced, but there's only ONE you to look out for.

I am a survivor of domestic violence and I take my life more serious now in any capacity of motherhood, partnerships, friendships and any other aspects of my life. To me life is SERIOUS for me and my children. I haven't always made the best decisions and I'm grateful for the opportunities that afford me to make changes in my life, now. There's an African Proverb that says, "Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped." This proverb is a testament to my life now and it can also belong to you as well.

Remember that, as you grow, teach others and help break the silence of domestic violence!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011





DATE: AUGUST 20, 2011


TIME: 4 - 6 PM




If you are a SURVIVOR of domestic violence and want
to join our FREE monthly support group
here in Chicago, IL
for more details....
please email us your contact info to:

Date: AUGUST 20, 2011
Time: 1-2:30 PM
Place: (Provided in reply email once you contact us)

Space is limited, so sign up now!!!

If you would like to donate to our foundation,
make checks or money orders payable to:

A New Me Foundation
P.O. Box 377722
Chicago, IL 60637

Thank you in advance for your support!

Monday, July 11, 2011

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE...HOW SERIOUS IS IT 07/14 by Laugh Tears | Blog Talk Radio

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE...HOW SERIOUS IS IT 07/14 by Laugh Tears | Blog Talk Radio

ANMF Thank You

Dear Community of Friends,

On behalf of A New Me Foundation, I want to personally thank everyone for coming out and celebrating the launch of my foundation. I am excited and have been in full gear since the Meet & Greet. Below are the services we provide for our first year:

Motivational Speaking
Resource Referral & Linkage
Support Groups
Prevention Education

If you or anyone you know that are interested in our services, please email us at anewmef@gmail.com

Again, I thank you for your support in all that we do in our communities to help break the silence of domestic violence.

Felicia T. Simpson
Founder of A New Me Foundation
P.O. Box 377722
Chicago, IL 60637-7722

HELP BREAK THE SILENCE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!!! To make a donation, make checks payable to A New Me Foundation.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I have killed you a
thousand times inside.
I have gotten my revenge safely.
I have seen the good
in people,
and the bad,
but I can see no
good in you.
There are animals
that are more human than you.
Have you once thought
back and regretted
a thing?
Probably not.
I have killed you a
thousand times inside.
But you haven't died
in my mind.
It is a fine scar
you have left on me;
inside and out.
I have killed you a
thousand times inside.
Please die.

We at A New Me Foundation respect the poet's feelings and emotions expressed in this poem. We strive to help victims of any kind of violence, overcome the anger and hurt they experience after an assault. For this poet, she (17-year-old) was able to express her uncut feelings through spoken word. Not everyone is brave enough to come forth and speak up about being raped. As a community, we need to focus on helping the souls that lies within these victims of domestic and sexual violence......HEAL!!!

Together, we can help break the silence of ALL violence in our communities!

If you know someone who has been raped or is a victim of sexual assault, please call the City of Chicago Sexual Assault Hotline (888)293-2080

Spousal Rape Case Sparks Old Debate - Opinion - FOXNews.com

Spousal Rape Case Sparks Old Debate - Opinion - FOXNews.com

Monday, July 4, 2011


(This report came from the CAWC IL 40-Hour Domestic Violence training manual on page 50)

Children from violent homes also becomes victims. They are often neglected and abused, suffer severe stress and develop dysfunctional behaviors.

Frequently, children from violent homes are neglected physically and emotionally by parents who are in crisis from the violence or who have developed dysfunctional patterns in the family. The family establishes patterns of poor communication, using violence for problem-solving, controlling some family members by force, and making it dangerous to express feelings.

Children from homes in which domestic violence occurs are frequently abused themselves. Abusive men may attack the children as well. Also women who are abused may retaliate and become abusive to the children.

Children in this situation are afraid of the violence they hear and witness. They are tense and apprehensive about the violence reoccurring. They may often feel guilty, inadequate or angry when they can't prevent the violence.

Children often grow up exhibiting the same violent behavior as their parents. This is especially true of boys. Studies show that eighty percent of battering men were either abused or witnessed abuse in their homes as children. Boys become hostile to the women they are closest to; i.e., their mothers and sisters. As adults, they are likely to abuse their partners and children.

Children develop their own strategies for survival in growing up in abusive homes, including:

1.) Avoiding conflict by being a "perfect child". Children often view themselves as the cause of the anger and the violence. They may feel guilty and believe that the violence will not occur if they are well behaved.

2.) Trying to diffuse family tension to avoid violence. Children may attempt to manipulate their parents' behaviors, feelings and actions to stop the violence. They may draw attention to themselves or refocus the abuser's attention.

3.) Trying to intervene during violent outbursts on their mother's behalf. Children frequently try to protect their mother from the violence.

4.) Becoming passive and withdrawn. When children learn that they cannot control the violence in their families, they may withdraw to protect themselves. They are often frightened to see the people that they love the most being abusive and being hurt.

5.) Learning to use violence to control others. Children from violent homes often bully their friends, siblings or mothers. They learn that violence is an effective means of gaining control over others.

6.) Acting out in destructive ways. Children may act out through alcohol or drug abuse, delinquent behaviors, school-related problems, criminal behavior, depression or suicide.

Child Abuse Awareness 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011


The other day I was facilitating a support group that meets weekly. Of course I was hired to talk about domestic violence. It amazed me that almost every woman in that room has been a victim of domestic violence before and a few of them, are victims currently. I shared a food for thought about taking one step forward whenever you want to see a change in your life! So I drew an imaginary line in the floor to give a visual perspective. Once the line was drawn I proceeded forward swiftly to show that it only takes you to step forward, towards your goals and the rest of the journey is smooth sailing.

I've used this theory to leave my abusive relationship, write several books, go back to school to finish my degree in Criminal Justice and recently, starting my own foundation for victims of domestic violence called A New Me Foundation. I say that to say, if I can do it, so can YOU! I know that saying is cliche but it holds truth nevertheless. The next time you have a goal you want to reach, draw your imaginary line on the floor and take your first step forward and watch how you will flourish towards completing your goal(s).

It may seem like your goals are unreachable in the beginning but the more steps you take after you cross that imaginary line, the closer you will be to completing your goals. I have always done everything backwards. I learned to change the order in which I take steps toward my goals and life has been great for me and my children. Now life will throw some darts in your steps to knock you off balance. The key things to remember whenever that happens, are..... to draw that imaginary line and move forward accordingly.

Hope this was helpful, enjoy the rest of your day and remember to BREAK THE SILENCE of domestic violence!!!