A New Me Foundation, INC.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I have killed you a
thousand times inside.
I have gotten my revenge safely.
I have seen the good
in people,
and the bad,
but I can see no
good in you.
There are animals
that are more human than you.
Have you once thought
back and regretted
a thing?
Probably not.
I have killed you a
thousand times inside.
But you haven't died
in my mind.
It is a fine scar
you have left on me;
inside and out.
I have killed you a
thousand times inside.
Please die.

We at A New Me Foundation respect the poet's feelings and emotions expressed in this poem. We strive to help victims of any kind of violence, overcome the anger and hurt they experience after an assault. For this poet, she (17-year-old) was able to express her uncut feelings through spoken word. Not everyone is brave enough to come forth and speak up about being raped. As a community, we need to focus on helping the souls that lies within these victims of domestic and sexual violence......HEAL!!!

Together, we can help break the silence of ALL violence in our communities!

If you know someone who has been raped or is a victim of sexual assault, please call the City of Chicago Sexual Assault Hotline (888)293-2080