A New Me Foundation, INC.

Monday, October 3, 2011


I know most people celebrate New Year' Eve and make their new year's resolutions..... TODAY annually I celebrate living my life, downtown in Chicago in front of the Thompson Center at NOON. This gathering is a small ceremony to help raise awareness of domestic violence, support organizations around the city that provide services to victims and their children, say a prayer for the fallen victims and their families that continue on in their legacy, in this life.

Today, while the beautiful purple attire decorated the Thompson Center, I couldn't help but question the lack of my African American sisters attendance. As soon as I thought that was a private thought for me, an older woman approached me with questions of, "Where are the black women? We know they should be here." True, this woman was available in her pink attire to support the fight against breast cancer and took a moment to come see about the folks in purple gathered. I mentioned to her that last year, the majority of the spectators were that of African American decent. This year our Latina neighbors made their presence known. Roll call isn't to shame my sisters but to find out simply...."Where were you." We have too many neighbors that wake us up in the middle of the night to hear their cries at the hands of their abuser. Too many of their children run to our homes just to get away from the noise that mommy and daddy makes and sometimes to eat a meal in peace and quiet, for us not to have shown up today.

I'm not upset in this blog for you see:

Each year this rally marks another year for me that I MADE IT OUT ALIVE! If you have ever been a victim of domestic violence, than you know each day is NOT promised to you. Yep, I feel you, and that applies to the rest of the world. I understand that but let's look at my life for a split second: ONE punch would've killed me!

I hear on the news almost daily: woman found dead and the suspect in custody is her partner, who her family says she's had trouble leaving him in the pass.

YOU sit there and do nothing, that's the choice you have but I made a VOW to GOD that if He got me out of my situation, He could use my life as He saw fit! He knew my purpose was to break the silence of domestic violence for the victims, survivors and their families that are affected by it. Was I or am I qualified for this position? I ask Him that DAILY! I do recognize that EACH & EVERY blessing and gift comes from HIM because without Him, Felicia Simpson and A NEW ME FOUNDATION would NOT be here TODAY......

On this day annually, I have an agenda: I go to the rally, eat at my favorite sports bar, walk the pavements of the Chicago Loop, take photos or nature shots as I like to call them, shed a tear of sadness and then tears of joy. I simply take in the smells of life! I'm human, I hurt, laugh, cry and loose focus as some of you. God knows, He has had to focus my mind and soul several times. People always ask me, "How do you do what you do?" My answer, "GOD! I would have given up a long time ago." God says YES when I want to say NO. God gives me that extra strength when my head wants to reunite with my pillows. God said, "Wait, I have a good man for you that will cast out all of the rest....trust Me and be patient." He said this to me when I wanted to commit to the first commitment that was offered to me. So you see, I don't use this platform that's been given to me as a plug for my next event. I use it to show people that if I made it, the good Lord knows, YOU can.

It only takes one step to make a difference in your life. Last night, I was on "A Word with the Mouthpeace" radio show on Windy City Underground ( www.windycityunderground.com ) and I made a statement and she opened up my eyes and I'm sure her listeners with the following: One word really can change one life." As an example, she gave us the domino's that fall after one of them has been hit. I appreciate that powerful word and will be applying it to my life and the lives of others.


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