A New Me Foundation, INC.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Keys to the Bottom Line Series Part 5: Acts of Kindness

How much better, would the world be if we all were kind towards each other?  I was recently visiting a Subway establishment when this guy went straight to the register and ordered some cookies.  There were plenty of other customers waiting in line to be serviced that he obviously ignored.  I was standing right behind him in the line.  The total amount of his cookies came out to $1.  He pulled out a lot of money, they were all $20 bills but he did not have a $1 bill.  He turns to me and asks me for a dollar. I could have asked him was he crazy, scolded him about cutting the line and anything else that would have prevented me from showing an act of kindness.  Instead, I gladly gave him a $1 to pay for his cookies.  He thanked me dearly, offered me his phone number so that whenever he does get a $1 bill he'd pay me back, saw me walking back to work and offered me a ride.  My blessings come from God not man.  He has blessed me with money to be a good steward over it and I love to share it and spend it responsibily.  Sure, this guy could have been happy that I gave him a $1 mixed with his flirtation by asking for my number, but I didn't dwell on his motives or actions, I knew what I was responsible for: acts of kindness.

I often go out in this huge world and look for ways that I can help put a smile on someone's face that day, help a single mother's load a little lighter throughout the holiday seasons providing her family with food and toys, I volunteer at homeless and women shelters, asking for nothing in return.  That peace that dwells inside of my heart from helping someone else, is indescribable.  If your mobilty is limited and you have access to computers or postal services, email or send encouraging quotes to people who you know are having a difficult time in life.  Imagine how you feel when you receive gifts or cards from someone.  That warm feeling inside, imagine giving that same feeling to someone else who could really use it.  Small tokens of kindness travels a long way.

I'll never forget one day I had volunteered at a shelter, I did not have food in my cabinets or refrigerator, however, I made myself available to those less fortunate than me.  At the time I was unemployed and down to my very last funds until my next payday, whenever that was gonna be.  That one act of kindness was the result of someone donating groceries for me and my family before I returned home that day.  I received a call while I was at the shelter volunteering.  I can't begin to tell you how overwhelmed I was and thankful that God placed it on someone's heart to show an act of kindness to me and my children. I haven't experienced a time where I helped someone else and did not receive a blessing in return.

I follow Russell Simmons on Twitter and although he is financially rich, to me his spirit and generosity is far greater a reward than what money can ever buy.  Russell always "tweets" motivational quotes especially about being kind towards others.  Being available to the less fortunate and realizing that success does not come from your economic status but rather that of your generosity (my words not Russell Simmons).  Here are some of his "tweets" from his @UncleRUSH Twitter account to give you an idea:

"Operate from abundance.  Give until they can't live w/out you #SuperRich"

"Service is the key to happiness.  So...Get dat ass to giving! FYI Good givers are great getters."

"Kindness shown to the poor is an act of worship - Proverbs 14:31"

"RT @DalaiLama: Kindness and a good heart are the underlying foundation for success in this life and making progress on the spiritual path."

Those are just a few examples to give you an idea of what the benefits are for acts of kindness.  

Bottom line:  Be kind to one another and help the less fortunate!

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